Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Tantric Kapalikas

say i eat raw dead fleshes, beg food and drink water from cranial bone, caught in hype of tantric rituals, ash allover my purified body, skull-heads as my pearly ornaments, living off the crematory grounds. in me, the place where He, The Shiva lives for eternity. 

what you call group of people who eat flesh, practice magics, exercise rigorous rituals and still feel unsinful? these group of people, known as aghori are intrinsic radical practitioners of the tantric worship of the Kapalikas (cranial bone, literally) doctrine. Tantric worship is ideology of performing penance and rituals to gain the spiritual powers. whereas Kapalika is the Hindu sectoral belief where derived from the mythological story of Lord Bikhsathana and Lord Bhairava.

Lord Bhairava/Bikshathana in
Hoysalesvere Temple, Halebib.
Lord Bairava is said to be The Terrifying form of Shiva and Lord Bikshatana is The Supreme Beggar manisfestation of Shiva. It is beleived Lord Shiva begged for food using Brahma's 5th skull as a penance. Lord Bhiksathana, the aftermath form of Bhairava performed the penance  untill he reach the Holy city of Varansi, India. 

The Aghoris adopted this principle and practice throughout their lives.  For them, the idea of being radical from the modernisaion world is part of the moksha-attaining process. does that mean we are in the wrong track to realisation? or are they?

The key to their belief is they believe themselves as the ultimate symbol of Shiva. This thing mesmerizes me where their doctirnes teaches that there is no imperfection under the manifestation of Shiva, and hence the universe. This sort of beliefs teaches us to accept the world as it is and decreasing the expectations and materialism thougts in us.

The aghoris are well known for their extreme practices of secret sex rituals, human sacrifice, meditation on corpses, eating dead human fleash (half burnt or raw), drinking liqour (sivabaanam) and smoking weed. as it may suggest, the Aghoris sounded like caught-in-hype-cannibalistic  people who far drained from civilization.

visit my writings on Aghoris

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