Monday 4 January 2010

PART 2 : அன்பே சிவம்? சிவமே அன்பு?

for rare : அன்பே சிவம் - GOD IS LOVE
for most : சிவமே அன்பு - LOVE IS GOD
for some : யெம்மதமும் சம்மதம் - TRUE FOR ALL RELIGION

life poses lots of mysteries. but for me it hide tonnes of complexes. religion one of it. till now i cant figure out what actually shapes religion and different streams in religion and also what trigger human to come up with relic and myth stories to explain a religion.
one thing for sure, religion is meant to be a guide for human llife but not THE only essentials that we MUST have. existence of extra-terrestrial holistic and spiritual power relies on the imaginary side of human brain. religion is too abstract to spesify and explain on. it is the same situation of looking the different sides of a coin. and that explains why we have so many religions though it postulates the same humanity virtues.
statues, idols, sculptures, relics, religous stories, religous characters and role models used all over the globe to pass on the idea of a religion. for a religion to survive over a period of time, it need firm foundations (understanding) on its basic rituals and beliefs. this is attained through forementioned measures. and that is the main reason why some religion is being criticised on its orginality and existence of religous stories and idols.
though criticism and manipulation bombard any religion, number of people who believe in it outwit everything. and that is the reason why religion is a way of life in the materialistic world. ironic isnt?
for short, every religion pass on their teachings via writings, stories, relics, rituals, belief, idols, sculptures, statues, architecture and so on.  interesting questions pop out.. why man worked so hard in sustaining religion? why so many ways are worked out and practised in every day life just to let the idea of religion kept well among its practitioners? what makes a religion so great and believable?

1 comment:

  1. typo correction : [1st line] life IMposes lots of mysteries



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