Thursday, 11 November 2010

Four Noble Truth & Eight Righteous Path

One of the religion that never fail to impress me is Buddhism. Being pragmatic and implementable in nature, the idea of buddhism doesnt involve polytheism and piety to god. Siddharta Gautama highlighted ways for people to live without pain and suffering simply by observing the things around as the way it is.  

To simplify Buddhism in understandable language; there two main things to look at, or simply the ones that i agreed upon and fascinated about. Its called The Four Noble Truth and The Eightfold Path. The Noble Truth explains reality and simply states how things are in living world without the concept of fantasy and perfection. It is the unfortunate and the part of life that we wouldn't want to hear - suffering. Now to avoid suffering, there are 8 rules to follow a.k.a. The Eightfold Path.

The Four Noble truth are :

  • Life is Frustrating and Painful

  • Every Suffering has a Cause

  • Cause of the Suffering scan be ended

  • Way to end the Suffering (meditation - which more to practice of awareness and self realisation)
These awful, unbearable and unfortunate truths has its own reality when it comes to modern living. So accepting the fact of Four Noble Truth is essential. To overcome the Suffering :

  1. Thinking from the RIGHT view - wrong views indulge us in expectations onto things. right view is the way of seeing a thing as it is in nature. it helps to think straight and accommodate attitude. Ex. an apple IS AN APPLE,  not a crispy sweet caramelly, apple pie.

  2. The Right Intention - from right view, abandon expectation, fears and hope. That makes us no more able to be manipulated by earthly temptations and needs. no hard work and frustration onto things and accept the truth of stuff around as they are.

  3. Right speech - once our intentions are pure, our conversation would not carry any abusive or low panache or bluff about things. we say what need to be conveyed.

  4. Right discipline - follow idea of simplicity, hence no complication of thinking.

  5. Right livelihood - accept the idea of your undertakings such as job, responsibilities and enjoy living with it.

  6. Right effort - often viewed as smart thinking, right effort means seeing things as they are, ability to work with em without a nudge and avoid any complication and aggression.

  7. Right mindfulness - clarity and awareness in your responsibilities.Performing the right attitude in our action.

  8. Right concentration - defined as absorbing things as they are (example of the apple), that is think, digest and understand the things as they are now without any desire, need, expectation and craving interfering into our judgement.

Buddhists digest these 4 and 8 lines by meditating and lead a simple life; a life style that all of us need to live and think. Core of Buddhism isnt in the rituals and hymns but its in the way of you leading your life and thinking. Religions have lots of ideas to impose, and Buddhism and Buddha never fails to lead me in life nor in thinking ; self realisation is the key to mental consciousness.


  1. awesome writing vj

  2. i got a comment on your font color... please use darker color so that reader need not squint theirs eyes to read ur great works

    1. fixed it! sorry fr that mistake..
      btw, u hve not said anything about your lovely name?



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