Monday, 28 November 2011

Arts & Arts

Among the several sins that I have been accused of committing, none is more false than the one that I have, as the principal objective in my work, the spirit of research. When I paint my object is to show what I have found and not what I am looking for. In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish, love must be proved by facts and not by reasons… 

things that i have found around and tried drawing it. not great but its next to OK. LOL

lady walking by streets, blown by humble breeze - Crayon

Cinderella sort of character prancing down the stairs - Color pens and pencils

Illustration of my house, at certain view - Pencil without eraser :)

Jesus - Pencil

Friend ; too bored in class - Pencil

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Tantric Kapalikas

say i eat raw dead fleshes, beg food and drink water from cranial bone, caught in hype of tantric rituals, ash allover my purified body, skull-heads as my pearly ornaments, living off the crematory grounds. in me, the place where He, The Shiva lives for eternity. 

what you call group of people who eat flesh, practice magics, exercise rigorous rituals and still feel unsinful? these group of people, known as aghori are intrinsic radical practitioners of the tantric worship of the Kapalikas (cranial bone, literally) doctrine. Tantric worship is ideology of performing penance and rituals to gain the spiritual powers. whereas Kapalika is the Hindu sectoral belief where derived from the mythological story of Lord Bikhsathana and Lord Bhairava.

Lord Bhairava/Bikshathana in
Hoysalesvere Temple, Halebib.
Lord Bairava is said to be The Terrifying form of Shiva and Lord Bikshatana is The Supreme Beggar manisfestation of Shiva. It is beleived Lord Shiva begged for food using Brahma's 5th skull as a penance. Lord Bhiksathana, the aftermath form of Bhairava performed the penance  untill he reach the Holy city of Varansi, India. 

The Aghoris adopted this principle and practice throughout their lives.  For them, the idea of being radical from the modernisaion world is part of the moksha-attaining process. does that mean we are in the wrong track to realisation? or are they?

The key to their belief is they believe themselves as the ultimate symbol of Shiva. This thing mesmerizes me where their doctirnes teaches that there is no imperfection under the manifestation of Shiva, and hence the universe. This sort of beliefs teaches us to accept the world as it is and decreasing the expectations and materialism thougts in us.

The aghoris are well known for their extreme practices of secret sex rituals, human sacrifice, meditation on corpses, eating dead human fleash (half burnt or raw), drinking liqour (sivabaanam) and smoking weed. as it may suggest, the Aghoris sounded like caught-in-hype-cannibalistic  people who far drained from civilization.

visit my writings on Aghoris

Monday, 14 November 2011

Aghoric Love

I live, I feast, I pray for Him
licking the corpses, drowned by Ganga
the most Saatvic being in the universe
reading hymns, loving hypes and hallucinate
more pure, more holy than ever

reaching the Tantric garden
and lost in His Third Eye
caught by His Damaru – enchanting noise
for who i feast upon, shall his sins get purified
moksha beam penetrate his firm skull
tortures with tingle in each nerve
mantra of Kapalikas – in each drop of his blood
each sinful fibre sticking to his filthy bone
shall fall apart upon my teeth slicing each muscle

wild dance and pleasure in each gulp of Shivas pilsner
running down the throat and getting me more higher than ever
from Muladhara up to my Vishuddhi
hitting the third eye
making the most petal-ed Sahasrara to bloom in instant

rough ashes and stench waters
neighboured by the Most Saatvic Ganga
i breath fire, drinks the air
feasts on pathetic sins and live on filthiest corpses
all dancing harmoniously to the rear end of The Dancer
all meditating, reaching beyond The Great Sivi
slowly piercing its way to the spine
electrifying all the chakras
teaching me more tantras, more sutras than ever -  is Him ;  in me
for who i am
preaching  me the soulful Aghoric Love…..

Want to know about Aghoris? visit "The Tantric Kapalikas"

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Aperture View

life seem to be complicated and powered by materialistic things. well, it is not all bad, it just that our attention will be totally diverted into more materialistic stuffs and makes us to forget life's most valuable experiences. when start viewing life as it is, you will admire the beauty even at minor things like, street lights, rippling waters, painted walls, tiles and many more! 

Friday, 16 September 2011

Happy birthday dude!

many not sure why 16 September is special. well folks, its is known as Malaysian Day where it was the first establishment of malaysia as we know it today. so it is regarded as malaysian birthday. the day is specifically known for formation of Malaysia  (Borneo n Peninsular - without Philipines, Indonesia & Singapore) on 1963.

in the same country of we talking about, unfair election, multi-racism, unjust laws and so on, we all need to consider the land we are living in as our own and renowned motherland. let us live in harmony (of course with little fights - makes us closer dude!). like all the sea creatures, we must learn to live in fresh ocean and with plastics too.. LOL

and thank you for those who read posts from this blog! comment if you got any ideas/feedback.. feel free

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

You know this dude?

You know this dude? He was the very first Yang dipertuan Agong who held the super position of Supreme Head of State from Negeri Sembilan. most of us knows him from text books or some old fables told by our grandparents. maybe we know him better if we view him as such ------->>>

yeahhhh! the most touched 'figure' in malaysia. hahaha! in all MYR notes, you can see this guys face. but most do not know the background of this guy. He is Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Almarhum Tuanku Muhammad and the very first agung of Malaysia.  and that triggered me to use my 'artistic skills' to redraw the figure somewhere like on the note.   

Wishing all of Malaysian Happy Independence day!!!!

Friday, 8 April 2011

A Prayer by Heart


prior to eating, before sleeping, upon waking up, appreciating something, wishing for some stuffs and et cetera, PRAYERs help us to make each day meaningful.  an imaginary request that is made to the Almighty in hope that he will listen and hopefully grant us what we wish for. however not all wishes are being granted. people say, almighty have his own plan for EACH individual on what he should get.
Q : why he create all of us and be bothered about what EACH of us should get or not get?
A : errrrrrmm….
it is always hard to create bunch of people and further more grant them wishes that they ask in line with their pre-destined fate. each of human mind desires for materialistic wishes, and some are not. both can be bad or good. to evaluate it, then to think which wish to grant to which people for certain individual’s goodness is mind baffling. it is complicated, right?
Q : so , how does God keep track of each individuals good deed and grant them their wishes?
A : errrmmmmm
Q : what is His ultimate reason for creating ONLY human as his devotees and “one-sidedly” fulfiling our wishes? ( be reminded animals doesnt pray, and that doesnt make them anonimous in the eyes of almighty ) 
A : errrmmmmm
to all human questions about religion and its fundamentals, we could not answer it spesifically, at least i admit i cant answer most of religious questions. in general people would answer it as, “God’s ultimate plan” Eye rolling smile . most of us would try to answer the questions above from your own belief and thinking, which fortifies his/her own religion without sensing the facts and truth about it. you will try to convince and tell yourself answer that does not create any doubt about religions to you. or at least,  it is for you to coax yourself that, the religion that you were relying on all these years will not disappoint you and it is  not fake. well, not your fault. it is the humans' defensive nature where avoiding questions that can quake your very foundations and answering them in a way that can satisfies YOU and only YOU. but what about mind baffling conspiracies and facts-defying questions about religion? it just get blown away. although religion makes so much confusions, it is undeniably the biggest industry that worth multi billion dollars without strong economical reason or material. all it takes is just BELIEVE.

it make more sense to me,  when you 'pray' to your heart, to your parents, to your friends where you know some change will occur and some effort is evident rather than making a false hope and keep counting on it without effort. an effortless prayer is easy but to initiate effort to make your wish come true is hard and does not rely on God. 

if all prayers are being granted, no one will appreciate the life as it is. and if you know not all prayers will be granted, why bother praying in the first place?

rather than praying to an imaginary figure, pray to yourself, to your people that surrounds you. make clear statements and prayers that does not only hope about something. pray for the effort in you, do not pray for miracle. pray for motivation in you, not luck and sudden happiness. it will be more practical and fulfilling. more like an appreciation or promise to evidential living creatures.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Religious Piety : Utter Confusion

the earth has been around the universe for quite number of years. millions to be exact. for the earth, there are few familiar stuffs that have been existing for ages. DINOSAURS, EARTHQUAKE, GREENERIES, HUMAN, RELIGION, GOD, and et cetera. since man exist, we created tonnes of stuffs that are controversial, ever-provocative and lack of global benefits. for instance, PETROLEUM, NUCLEAR, CURRENCY, PLASTICS, SCIENTIFIC LAWS, ZOO, VEHICLES ………. bla…. bla… bla…… Eye rolling smile you can start naming few and keep on going with the list. not to forgot to mention about religion. since its existence, it has done little goodness to little creatures on earth. notably, ONLY to humans.
let us ponder of what good religion has given to us :

  1. building of ancient religious monuments
  2. colonialism of territories
  3. birth of numerous religious icons
  4. invasion and evolution of human culture
  5. ~cant name more than this. if you have any idea, drop a comment below. LOL Winking smile~
now, let us list down things that have been in wrong order since the existence of religion:
  • solely unitary and individual awareness, not global
  • religious wars that has no ending
  • practice of taboos and rituals that has no good to human
  • born of caste system and “group of untouchables”
  • existence of man made religious laws that suppress own mankind and other creatures
  • clash of thoughts even at fundamentals of religion among its own believers
  • birth of various and different doctrines that barely speaks the same idea even under the same religion – which is confusing and diverts mutual focus
all these negative outcomes suppress the good ones that came from religion which make religion is thrifty to some (ps : to me too Don't tell anyone smile)

to all of our knowledge, religion nowadays is being spread only at tip of the tongue and there is no emphasis in global goodness.does that mean we need to go for single religion? in that case, which is the best? and how sure the best religion will give global goodness? and…, what IS the global goodness?  a lot of questions out of single thought. hahaah! 

religion is teaching. and it is evitable that, teaching in such way only comes with second hand information passing. and to me, religion does not work like that. the moment you receive and practice religion as per being taught to you, the main vision of religion fails. this idea works for all individuals. 

so to cut the story in short, religion makes clear-confusion, contradicting views, controversial thoughts and mind baffling questions.there is no evident religion that can answer mind’s logical questions like, “why god creates hell if he loves us?”, “what is the main reason for god to create animals and humans in the same planet?” and so on… so, the verdict? is still hanging helplessly in our imaginative mind.

Religion is true only to its devotees and God do exist only to believers. Anyone with mind on his own doesn’t necessarily have to be in any of the category.
- vjkrishna -

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

tall story of salt rain

i basically wrote this weeks ago (24 january to be exact) Nyah-Nyah a forgotten piece i would say, no memory came out about this til i saw this particular little “poem” in my laptop. an exaggerated metaphoric imagination of ocean waters turning into droplets, (that is undergoing evaporation)  and getting trapped in the sky as clouds. funny imagination Sarcastic smile

imagine that you are being one of the water molecules among the trillions which given hope to be able to fly to sky. and turns out to be nasty when you found out that you are getting trapped in the sky as clouds. very disappointing, right?. a lethal seduction that “pre-planned”; i would say, for us “to be” water molecules. (crazy way to ponder about water Rolling on the floor laughing) ~~indulge~~

an escape through surface
Sick smile
battle out for freedom
Surprised smile
a fight for liberation
cry of the humble brine
Crying face
for every drop of escape,
shows success of nature
Gift with a bow
tears of the salty waters
Storm cloud
cruel curse for the ocean– wicked yet pleasing

from the ocean to the sky
tiny droplets rushed to heaven
looking down at the perfect earth
Island with a palm tree
it was all none other than a huge blunder
Disappointed smile
sweet escape turned rancid
Wilted rose
when the sky sets the limit
no escape no freedom
Broken heart
liberation is perfect fiction
Vampire bat
pass time fable for insane
as the tiny waters concern,
Don't tell anyone smile
escape is nothing
Embarrassed smile
stuck in ambiguous space
it is the perfect trap


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