the earth has been around the universe for quite number of years. millions to be exact. for the earth, there are few familiar stuffs that have been existing for ages. DINOSAURS, EARTHQUAKE, GREENERIES, HUMAN, RELIGION, GOD, and et cetera. since man exist, we created tonnes of stuffs that are controversial, ever-provocative and lack of global benefits. for instance, PETROLEUM, NUCLEAR, CURRENCY, PLASTICS, SCIENTIFIC LAWS, ZOO, VEHICLES ………. bla…. bla… bla……
you can start naming few and keep on going with the list. not to forgot to mention about religion. since its existence, it has done little goodness to little creatures on earth. notably, ONLY to humans.
let us ponder of what good religion has given to us :- building of ancient religious monuments
- colonialism of territories
- birth of numerous religious icons
- invasion and evolution of human culture
- ~cant name more than this. if you have any idea, drop a comment below. LOL
- solely unitary and individual awareness, not global
- religious wars that has no ending
- practice of taboos and rituals that has no good to human
- born of caste system and “group of untouchables”
- existence of man made religious laws that suppress own mankind and other creatures
- clash of thoughts even at fundamentals of religion among its own believers
- birth of various and different doctrines that barely speaks the same idea even under the same religion – which is confusing and diverts mutual focus
all these negative outcomes suppress the good ones that came from religion which make religion is thrifty to some (ps : to me too
to all of our knowledge, religion nowadays is being spread only at tip of the tongue and there is no emphasis in global goodness.does that mean we need to go for single religion? in that case, which is the best? and how sure the best religion will give global goodness? and…, what IS the global goodness? a lot of questions out of single thought. hahaah!
religion is teaching. and it is evitable that, teaching in such way only comes with second hand information passing. and to me, religion does not work like that. the moment you receive and practice religion as per being taught to you, the main vision of religion fails. this idea works for all individuals.
so to cut the story in short, religion makes clear-confusion, contradicting views, controversial thoughts and mind baffling questions.there is no evident religion that can answer mind’s logical questions like, “why god creates hell if he loves us?”, “what is the main reason for god to create animals and humans in the same planet?” and so on… so, the verdict? is still hanging helplessly in our imaginative mind.
Religion is true only to its devotees and God do exist only to believers. Anyone with mind on his own doesn’t necessarily have to be in any of the category.
- vjkrishna -