Tuesday 23 March 2010

♀ girls are girls! ♀

ever experience talking to girls (gf, friends or even family) when they are in THE ULTIMATE MOOD? oh yeah guys.. you know what i am scribbling here..
...once after stinging responds being thrown. a guy never wanted to hear answers like: im fine! , whatever... , nothing. whenever they are conversing with girls.
in a good flowing smoothie conversation with a girl, it could turn into a disaster...

as dangerous the color myt show (bolded, extra larged and colored words above), the whole conversation might rupture and collapse!
girls tend to show these expressions often with rolling their eyes upwards, short exhale or abrupt sigh, hand motion of swinging wrist over their ears,stomping foot and et cetera. then its a sign for the guys to REALLY watch out what are they talking to the girls. maybe the girls are thinking that they are telling their heart out for us to intepret, but it is ALWAYS easy to say what you are thinking bold and clear.. right guys?
sometimes it is funny to look at girls deportment, expressions, style and respond while them saying these words.
one ugly truth that guys have to accept is, girls are meant to be complicated (that doesnt mean guys are not!) ; emotionally and mentally. metaphorically it is like.. hmmm...like a.. sensor gate in their brain that filters some words that the girls must not say; such as, im tensed, i dont like that, im uncomfortable and et cetera. a lot more easier in such way.. isnt? they have to say positive-sounding stinging words (im fine, nothing, whateva). haiiihhh...
clear distinction between guys and girls conversing to opposite sex is, guys tend to make sense by going straight to the point. and girls tend to be bendy and curvy in conversation expecting guys to read their mind (and thats very hard!!). so a way to develop positive conversation to girls is, if you said something that triggered them to babble the MAGICWORDS, u just have to keep quiet and turn the whole topic altogether into a different perspective. and she will get mad about it, u have to console her (the trickiest and hardest) until scratch a smile on her face (that include clown shows and stupid action). once a smile is visible, you are safe and NEVER EVER talk about the same topic again! BECAREFUL!!
warning : this method does not always work depending on the level of bengangness/kaduppu/annoyance that they are in!

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